Thursday, March 12, 2009

Avatar Fan Art

I know that I have been blessed with many talents in this world. And I also know that drawing is not one of them. Yet, every once in a while, a strange urge will compel me to attempt fan art. These are a couple of those attempts. I know these are fairly horrible. But I thought I'd post them anyway.
This is Katara, a character from my favorite TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Anyways, I was messing around with dry-erase markers while watching the show and tried to draw her. Luckily, the four colors I had happened to match her clothes perfectly. :D(The blue whip is supposed to be water; she's a waterbender.) Anyway, so I normally stink at drawing as it is, but ecspecially when I'm using chunky dry-erase markers. I didn't want to draw the face because facial features are hard(ecspecially with marker!)so I just decided to leave her faceless. But this bugged me because it just seemed weird and imcomplete. Then, in a joyous moment, I realized that there is a character from the show who steals people's faces. TAADAH! Problem solved. This character's name is Koh. Hence the name, "Katara with Face Stolen by Koh." So, this is my amazingly awesome faceless Katara!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! It is actually rather good. I like the detail in the costum.
